Large Internal Frame Assembly Instructions
(type: LAAA)
The LAAA frame is used in the following Mechbay kits:
((pictured links of etsy store entries that use this frame))

Hobby Clippers
2.5mm hex wrench (allen wrench)

Black frame parts (2 sprues)

M3-0.5 hex nuts (22 provided)
M3x12 socket head bolts (22 provided)

Using hobby clippers, remove the black frame parts from their sprues and supports.


It is recommended when assembling your frame, to insert the nuts in their hex shaped holes before inserting the bolts.
First, screw the nut onto the bolt a small way as pictured.

Push the nut into its hex shaped hole as far as it will go. The bolt bit will allow it to stay lined up with the deeper hole.

Carefully unscrew the bolt, leaving the hex nut in place.

When screwed in, the bolt’s end should be flush with the nut as pictured.
Avoid tightening the parts too much until the entire frame is assembled. It is ok at first if the joints seem loose.
If you keep tightening your bolt and the joint still seems too loose, then the bolt may not be threaded into the nut. The bolt’s end should be flush with the surface of the nut when threaded on. If this is not the case, then remove the bolt and re-seat the nut again using the technique illustrated above.
If that doesn’t work, flip the nut over and re-seat it.
If that doesn’t work, try one of the other nuts included. Extras are provided for this purpose or if you lose any.
STEP 1: Pelvis

Assemble the pelvis as shown using 2 bolts and nuts.

Orientation of the parts does not matter with this step.
STEP 2: Hips

Clip on the hip joints to the waist as shown using 2 bolts and nuts.
Note the front of the hip parts need to have the bolt heads, and the back needs to have the hex nuts.

Also they need to hang below slightly as pictured for proper orientation.
These parts are the same as the shoulder joints.
STEP 3: Upper Legs

Clip on the upper legs as pictured using 2 bolts and nuts. Note the upper legs and upper arms are the same parts

Take note of the alignment as pictured
STEP 4: Knees

Clip on the knee joints to the upper legs as shown and secure them using 2 bolts and nuts.

Orientation does not matter for the knee joint.
STEP 5: Lower Legs

Clip the lower legs to the knees as shown, and secure them using 2 bolts and nuts.

As with the other parts, the nut should be at the back, and the bolt head should be at the front.
STEP 6: Feet

Clip on the feet to the lower leg ball joints and secure with 2 bolts and nuts.

Note the orientation of the feet.
The bolt head needs to be at the front, with the nut at the back, and the overhang needs to be on the inside, not outside.

Double check the waist and legs you have assembled so far.
Make sure all nuts are seated properly on the bolts (don't need to tighten yet).

Please pay careful attention to how the parts are oriented.

When a part is reversed or the wrong one used, it can result in the armor bits not fitting properly.
STEP 7: Torso

First connect the 2 large torso parts.
Some force is needed to get them completely connected.

Then snap the completed torso to the waist’s ball joint.
The [M] symbol is considered the front of the torso.
STEP 8: Shoulders

Clip on the shoulder joints to the torso as shown using 2 bolts and nuts.
Note the front of the shoulder parts need to have the bolt heads, and the back needs to have the hex nuts.

Also they need to hang below slightly as pictured for proper orientation. These parts are the same as the hip joints.
STEP 9: Upper Arms

Clip on the upper arms as pictured using 2 bolts and nuts.
Note the upper legs and upper arms are the same parts.

Take note of the alignment as pictured.
STEP 10: Elbows

Clip on the elbow joints to the upper arms as shown and secure them using 2 bolts and nuts.

Orientation does not matter for the elbow joint.
STEP 11: Lower Arms

Clip on the lower arms to the elbow joints and secure them using 2 bolts and nuts.
The bolt heads will be facing the outside and the nuts on the inside.

Take note of the alignments as pictured.

Take a minute to final check your assembled frame.

Make sure all the bolt heads are facing the front (except the lower arm where they face the outside).
Also take note of the red lines that show how the parts are to line up.
If a part does not, then it's likely you may have the left or right side reversed.

If everything checks out, carefully tighten all the bolts until the frame is able to stand on its own and hold its pose.
Please note, when the colored clip-on parts are in place, it adds to the weight on the joints.
If the joints seem too loose while weighted, then cautiously tighten the bolts as needed so the mech holds its pose when fully assembled.
Tightening the bolts too much may cause the black parts to crack.
((pictured links of the pla part assemblies that use this frame))